Children’s Ministries
The overarching goal of Wesley’s Children’s Ministry is to raise our kids to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. We do this by helping them discover who Jesus is and that they belong to Him. We also enable kids to create a sense of wonder so they want to pursue an authentic relationship with their Creator. In addition, we want them to have a passion to demonstrate God’s love to our broken world, enabling them to play an active role in His story.
Children’s Church:
During the Sunday morning worship service, when the pastor prepares to give the message, children (ages 4-10) are invited to Children’s Church . During this time, children can enjoy the opportunity to sing songs, play games, have prayer time, and study God’s Word. The use of videos as well as other visual aids helps the children better grasp the message of the day.
Special Monthly Children’s Events
Special monthly events are being planned for the children that include fun activities, snacks, and creative Bible teaching. Please contact Wesley Church for further details.